Here at Krabbenhoft Seed & Supply we are available to offer you educated advice about which variety of seed would thrive best on your unique fields. You can trust us to provide you with the latest and most successful in chemical and fertilizer advances. Our mission is to help you achieve maximum yield from your fields. We strive to do so by providing you with the most dependable brands of seed, chemical and fertilizer.

COMING SOON! Roundup Ready 2 Xtend Soybeans
"When it comes to choosing the right seed and treatments for your farm, trust that Rea is your partner, no matter what the challenge. We can help determine the right products for a given soil type, provide recommendations for a certain environmental situation or help you manage your unique situation. And with the local knowledge of our district sales manager, you can be confident that the recommendations will fit your farm's needs." -Monte Heilman and the Rea Hybrids Team
"As an independent seed company, Dahlman has complete control over all phases of genetic selection, seed production and seed processing. Our emphasis in all these areas is on quality. That means you can count on Dahlman products year-after-year for excellent seed quality and outstanding performance." -Dahlman